Camporee 2024

Giving Options:

  1. Agat-Santa Rita Church Adventist Giving

  2. Guam-Micronesia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists

Guam Camporee Pins Collection

Click on the picture below to order your Guam pins!

Video Introduction

There are approximately 40 pathfinders and sponsors on the island of Guam that are planning to go to Gillette Wyoming International Camporee in August 2024.  Airfare is expensive and we need your help to raise $88,500.00 to help us cover the registration and travel expenses! 


This project will not only help our local Pathfinders meet and witness to other young people but will also strengthen their relationships with God and further develop their character.

We Believe the Promise that our Heavenly Father is able to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL…. to help us get to the International Camporee with your help.

Please prayerfully consider how God can use you to help us.

Dinner Night


Christmas Caroling



Pathfinder Benefit Christmas Concert

Live stream  replay

Car Washes

Pathfinder Activities


Thanksgiving Food Distribution

Global Youth Day Donations to FosterHiking

Camping Skills






Fundraising Progress